Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Vfat 2020

11. December 2020, 16:32
Dieses Wochenende findet das VFAT statt ( Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams)

This weekend, tune it to watch the Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams. Watch renowned virtual teams replicate real-life routines and fictional teams showcase their creativity within DCS World. Watch the live event (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=A67eManGfFs&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90MzFOd1BKSGd3UG56UFlHZzAzbD R4S0JqQXxBQ3Jtc0tsTlJWNnc1RVZsOUNVLWw3dkowT203a2R1 YkxLZU1YdURaREhxcnkxWXN2c1Y0ck1scXdxYTY4TDlOM2FqcG 5kTzRGS2lkR2l3aFFrNWs3dWVSYkJ2RWk3eXhBajRBb0lHdXJV RmRaTnhnVkVPYmVEMA%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitch.tv%2Fvirtualairshows) and view the schedule.#

(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11NLgmTVDds8Ac0l-223hdj15hFCu7Lh7dsCKPsgo_Jo/edit#gid=0)Viel Spass !!!

12. December 2020, 20:13
Die "red arrows" waren echt Klasse, fast wie im Original. Habe nur meine 49th- / airshow Buddies vermisst beim Zugucken :heul:

LG Uwe

13. December 2020, 06:54
Wir waren im 49th TS!:D
Und wo warst du?:motz: