9. November 2021, 21:15
Ist wohl ein neuer Panzer Simulator der mich spontan an Steel Beast erinnert. Nicht ganz so hardcore wohl (keine Ahnung was die Optionen dazu hergeben) aber auch kein World of Tanks/War Thunder arcademaessig.
Hier ist ne eingeschraenkte Demo, die volle bekommt man ueber Patreon fuer 3 USD pro Monat:
Ich bin gespannt. Auch was spaeter Multiplayer etc. und Preis anbelangt. Das war ja neben der Grafik so bisschen die downside von Steel Beast.
Q: What's the point of this game?
A: We want to play a tank game that hits a satisfying level of realism without imposing free-to-play economy limitations or sacrificing playability and accessibility. The options for that set of goals seem limited, so we're making it happen ourselves. For a more detailed write-up, see dev log #2: Why we fight.
(Note: our vision for GHPC has developed further in the time since that post was written. Keep an eye out for an updated one soon!)
Hier ist ne eingeschraenkte Demo, die volle bekommt man ueber Patreon fuer 3 USD pro Monat:
Ich bin gespannt. Auch was spaeter Multiplayer etc. und Preis anbelangt. Das war ja neben der Grafik so bisschen die downside von Steel Beast.
Q: What's the point of this game?
A: We want to play a tank game that hits a satisfying level of realism without imposing free-to-play economy limitations or sacrificing playability and accessibility. The options for that set of goals seem limited, so we're making it happen ourselves. For a more detailed write-up, see dev log #2: Why we fight.
(Note: our vision for GHPC has developed further in the time since that post was written. Keep an eye out for an updated one soon!)