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49th Black Diamonds [Bot]
25. September 2014, 18:35
GalNet Alert

GalNet Alert Transmission

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Subscriber: Commander
UNREST SPREADS GalNet Priority 1 News Alert Transmission: 3300-09-25 All information ©3300 Elite Pilots Federation. Copyright violation is a crime in all jurisdictions.

:: Elite Pilots Federation Priority 1 Alert ::

Eranin & Rebels in Federation Brokered Peace Talks.

As Eranin 30th Anniversary celebratory liquor is spread far and wide, the Federation Black Ops teams are moving to more overt than covert operations in support of the rebels, removing all doubt that the rebels are a Federation proxy.

Consequently, the gloves are now well and truly off in the conflict between the Eranin government and the Federation-backed rebels, with ever-increasing numbers of Commanders involved on each side.

Congressman Silvia Calhoon, the Federal Representative from nearby Aulin, is today chairing peace talks at a secret, secure outpost between representatives of the Eranin government and the rebel leaders. Our as yet unconfirmed reports still suggest a representative of the Independent Alliance is also attending. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Senator Patreus denied rumours that he had personally extended a loan to the Eranin government.

Commander Activity.

In response to the Eranin government's call yesterday for a wider spread of its now-infamous celebration liquor, there has been much activity involving large amounts of liquor in several systems.

Over 30 Commanders have taken liquor to Opala's Romanenko Estate. In LHS 3262, CMDR Waugh and CMDR Sophie-Beth have both been major contributors to the liquor flooding into Louis de Lacaille Prospect. CMDR Sandmann is also doing his best to help Bolg's Moxon's Mojo star port drown its sorrows.

In combat news, CMDR Nemesis T Warlock in his Anaconda has now hit the top of the Most Wanted list in Federal space, and CMDR Neon Raven and CMDR erarda have been busy disrupting the Independents.

The Freeport blockade is still active. The blockaders are yet to show their hand for one side or the other, leading our informants to the conclusion that this activity is genuinely an entrepreneurial protection racket rather than a smokescreen by one of the power blocs. There would therefore seem to be a significant risk of the blockaders being caught up in a scorched-earth policy by Federation black ops units looking to cover the tracks of all the illegal weapons they have had smuggled out of the Freeport anarchy.

Unrest Spreads.

It looks as though Eranin's celebratory liquor being shipped by Commanders is giving the Federal authorities quite a hangover.

We are getting reports of Eranin-supporting agitators whipping up political unrest in the following Federal starports:
Chango Dock (i Boötis)
Louis de Lacaille Prospect (LHS 3262)
Romanenko Estate (Opala)
Moxon's Mojo (Bolg)

Meanwhile, there are whispers of covert Federal activity in Asellus Primus and Wyrd.

::Watch This Space::
As always, we will keep you updated as developments occur. Fly safely out there, Commanders.

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This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.


And Faulcon deLacy

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