Donnerstag 20:30

Mission 2 - Poke the Dragon
Mission: Destroy Sarajevo Airport

Package 17313
4x Cowboy 1 -OCA
4x Lobo 1 -SEAD
4x Panther 1 -Escort

Game plan
Our mission is to strike and destroy Sarajevo Airport. Intel reported that the PLA Air Force moved a squadron of J-11 and SU-30MKK as well as AN-24 and AN-2. These planes are a high threat to our success, so we have to destroy the base.
So far we have only spotted one SA-3 in the vicinity covering the airport. It's important that we take out this SAM site. The codeword for the destruction will be: Loong. Meanwhile Cowboy will anchor at HP1 on the deck waiting for the Loong call while Panther provides cover from above. Once that call was made the OCA will proceed to the target (RWY hdg: 120/300). The first element will destroy the rwy while the second element will take out the Ammo Dump and both hangars with MK-84s. Codeword for Miller time is: Lindworm.

Known Threats
many more

Elvis1 E-3, Venus1, E-3

ATO is posted here

Weather is here
