We shall not go west of bullseye in the open sea. We shall not leave the map. We shall not leave our cap station to disappear right out there in the middle of nowhere, running out of fuel, weapons and fun
Thou shalt not pass the bullseye

That's west of our cap position. I've never been there in my whole virtual life. Basically because there is so much to see, err, so much sea. I don't have a flying boat, so I'm not interested in that

Basically, if we want to defend seosan, it wouldn't be wise to put our cap right out in the middle of nowhere. It's 20 vs 8, but they still need to find us in order to get a decent force on force. Because if no force ever meets the other force, it wouldn't be a force on force, right?

I'm really looking forward on this. It's quite a challenge, but we'll see what happens.